Friday, June 18, 2021

How to use a free cloud drive to share files with your instructor and peer

1. Sign up for a free pCloud account here.

2. Fill out the form like the one below and click Create account. (You can use any email you want. I recommend using your student email.)

3. Verify your email by clicking the green button at the top of the page. (complete the optional steps to earn more storage space.)

4. Now log on to the email you used to sign up for the account and verify it by clicking on the green button that says CLICK TO VERIFY EMAIL.

5. After you have verified your email. Go back to and sign in to your new account.

6. Notice there are several buttons on your account. From here you can view, upload, create and share any file you want. The blue button is for uploading files to your pCloud account, the Grey button next to the upload button is to create a new folder and the share button to the right side of the folder or file is to generate a link to share the file or folder with your peer or instructor.

NOTE: when you clicked on the Share button for the folder you will also be able to allow someone to upload a file to your pCloud account as well as allowing them to view or download the files in that folder but for this tutorial, we will learn how to share your file with your instructor.

7. Look for the file you want to share and hover your mouse over it. You should now see a Share button to the right. Now navigate over to the Share button and click on it, then select Share link

8. Now click on Copy Link and send that link to your instructor or peer so they can view your file or assignment.

NOTE: Only use this method to share file with your instructor if there is no place for you to upload the assignment in Google classroom. If there is an option to upload your assignment in the Google classroom, please upload it there instead. 


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