Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How to download document to your computer in Google Doc

1. Open the assignment in your Google classroom.

2. Click on File on the top left corner of your Google Doc and follow the instruction below.

3. Once your file is downloaded, you can click on it at the bottom inside your browser to open it in Google Doc. 

4. To generate a link and share it with the classroom. Simply go to your Google Drive by clicking the 9 dots on the top right corner of your screen and select Drive.

5. Now upload your file to your own Google drive by dragging it into the browser.

6. To generate a share link, navigate to your file, open it and navigate to the top right corner of the screen inside your Google Doc and click on the Share button in blue. 

7. Click on Copy link and paste it into the comment box in Google classroom where the assignment is located to share with the rest of the class.

NOTE: If for some reason no one can view the link you shared. Go back into your Google Drive, locate the assignment, and go back to the screen where you copied the share link. On this page navigate to the top where it says Share with people and groups. Click on No one has been added yet and type in the instructor email and click Send so you can share it with the instructor. 


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