Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Topic 45 Living With Laws and Norm

Living with laws and norms is something we must learn and manage throughout our lives. Laws and norms help us live in a safe society in which everyone is respected and has an equal chance to succeed in life. Some laws are the result of court decisions or legislation. Norms are more informal rules for living. We are faced daily with choices and temptations that sometimes force us to question the reasons for having laws. We need guidelines or rules to live in a society where everyone has the right to be heard and respected. People who cannot live with laws and norms may find themselves in trouble in different areas of their lives. Holding a job requires that we live within society's laws and norms.

Words to Know

Govern - to control the action or behavior of

Law - the controls or authority imposed by a system of rules

Norm - a standard, model, or pattern of acceptable behavior agreed upon by a group or society in general

Court precedent - a court decision that sets a standard for similar cases that follow legislation

Legal - authorized by or based on law; within the law

Principle - a rule or standard of good behavior

Regulation - a principle, rule, or law design to control or govern behavior

Consequence - something that results or follows from an action

Discipline controlled behavior

Effective - actions taken that produce desired results

Ineffective - actions taken that produce unwanted or negative results

Think About It!

What legal matters affect us in the workplace?

What might happen to an employee who challenges or breaks workplace laws and norms?

Write About It! (Click this link to complete the writing assignment)

Identifying Strengths and Needs for Living With Laws and Norms

Take Action

Group Assignment:

Choose one of the following projects to find out more about this topic, or create your own project based on your interests and abilities. Complete the assignment in Google Doc and submit it using the link below.

Understanding Laws and Norms:

Learning to live with laws and norms is important in our personal lives and careers. Make a list of consequences in the workplace for breaking laws and norms. Interview a local employer and ask to review the laws and norms of his or her workplace. Discuss with him or her the consequences of breaking laws and norms you find difficult to understand, and ask for specific stories of problems among employees in living with these laws and norms and any consequences that were imposed for failing to obey them. Report your findings to the class.

Assessing Your Own Gains:

One way to assess your own gains is to notice how you progress in living with laws and norms with which you disagree. Writes a short essay about a law or norm you have learned to live with, even though you might not understand why it is important or why you have to live with it. Read your essay to the class and ask for feedback on your progress.

Accepting Responsibility:

We find ourselves dealing more and more with how to live with laws and norms as we travel the journey to adulthood. It is important for each of us to accept responsibility for dealing with challenges we face in living with laws and norms, rather than blaming the situation or other people or deciding that the laws and norms are stupid and then braking them. Think about how you live with laws and norms now. How are you progressing in accepting responsibility for your behavior? How are you progressing in learning and using  the skills you have gained in living with laws and norms, and in thinking through your choices and planning actions? Find another student who is learning to obey the Job Corps laws and norms and meet with him on a regular schedule to help each other.

Submit your group assignment here


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