Friday, August 26, 2022

TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education) Level A Math Workbook

The purpose of this workbook is to assist you in preparing for the mathematics portions of the TABE Level A Test. The book seeks to help you

• Identify gaps in your skills and your understanding of mathematics concepts.

• Fill those gaps with explanations, examples, and practice problems. There are two math parts of the TABE Level A:

• The Math Computation section assesses your math skills without the use of a calculator.

• The Applied Math section assesses your ability to apply math concepts by solving a variety of real-world problems with the use of a calculator.

Each of these parts comes in a Survey (short) form and a Complete Battery (long) form. Both the Pretest and the Posttest in this book are Complete Battery forms. The Math Computation section consists of 40 problems to be completed in 24 minutes. The Applied Math section consists of 50 problems to be completed in 50 minutes.

How This Book Is Organized A Pretest and its answer key follow this introductory chapter. The goal of the Pretest is to help you identify your weaknesses. Use the Pretest answer key to determine which problems you got wrong, and find the lessons where these problems are covered. The first six lessons after the Pretest cover topics in the Math Computation part of the test:

1. Decimals
2. Fractions 
3. Integers 
4. Percent 
5. Operations 
6. Algebra

Since you are preparing for the Level A test, it is assumed that you’ve mastered whole number arithmetic, and there are no lessons on these topics. ix Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use. The second six lessons cover topics in the Applied Math section of the test:

7. Problem Solving
8. Applied Algebra
9. Geometry 
10. Measurement 
11. Coordinate Geometry 
12. Data Analysis

These 12 lessons include examples and practice problems for every type of problem described in the book. A Posttest and its answer key follow the 12 lessons. The book ends with an appendix that provides answer explanations to all Pretest and Posttest questions and to all practice problems in the lessons.

Click here to view the full book


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