Monday, August 29, 2022

TABE Test of Adult Basic Education The First Step to Lifelong Success

Welcome to TABE, Test of Adult Basic Education: The First Step to Lifelong Success. TABE is an academic test that measures a person’s ability and skill in mathematics, reading, and language. This book has been designed to help you succeed on the TABE, but as the title suggests, the authors want you to acquire even more than test-taking skills. When you finish the book, you will have identified some of your goals. You will also know more about your learning preferences and the strategies that make learning and test taking easier for you. In other words, the book will help you succeed in the challenges of work and study that follow.

The TABE tests cover basic skills that you use in your everyday life. You may be surprised to find that you know more than you think you do. You may also be surprised to discover skill gaps you do not know about.

This book is all about helping you target and master the skills you need to succeed

  • On the TABE
  • In future situations as a lifelong learner Before You Begin Before you begin to use this book, take some time to explore it.

    The book offers much more than question and answer material. Read the Table of Contents. As you browse through the book, notice the following:

  • Skills Assessments beginning each section
  • Scenarios recalling students the authors have known
  • Skill building in every subject
  • Word study
  • Study Tips and Test Tips and FYI’s

All of these elements give you a process, or way of learning. In fact, because each section builds skills, you should read and do all the exercises in order. What if you think you have great strength in one of the subjects? Take the Skills Assessment for that subject anyway. If your results are 90 to 95 percent correct, you probably don’t have to study that section. However, be sure to take all the posttests when you have finished all the sections. One section, “Spelling,” needs a special comment. You should not study this section straight through from first page to last. Correct spelling is best learned slowly and through repetition. Take the pretest. If you find that spelling is not your strong subject, start the section. No matter what else you are working on, study a small part of the spelling section at the same time. If you use the tips provided and study consistently, you can improve your spelling.

Click here to view the full book


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