Friday, August 26, 2022

Teaching School Mathematics: Pre-Algebra

This volume and its companion volume—Teaching School Mathematics: Algebra ([Wu-Alg])—address the mathematics that is generally taught in grades 5–9. They are not student texts, however, because they have been written expressly for teachers, especially middle school teachers. These two volumes are designed not to show you how mathematics is really just common sense and lots of fun, but to help you teach the mathematics of middle school in a way that meets the minimal standards of human communication. In other words, problems are solved without recourse to tricks or any ad hoc sleight-of-hand, every step is explained logically using only concepts and skills already developed, and every concept is clearly defined so that no clever guessing is needed for its understanding. There may be an added bonus in that the mathematical development of these volumes parallels that of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ([CC- SSM]) for middle school. These volumes differ from the usual presentations found in standard school textbooks (and professional development materials as well) in substantial ways. First and foremost, the presentations in the standard text- books, be they traditional or reform, are riddled with mathematical errors, thanks to Textbook School Mathematics (TSM).1 While the Table of Contents bears a superficial resemblance to what you normally find in school text- books and other professional development materials, there are major differences in terms of precision, sequencing, and reasoning. It is hoped that these volumes will lead you to rethink some of this material even if you believe you already know it very well.

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