Friday, October 22, 2021

Time Management Fundamentals




Laying The Productivity Groundwork

Course outline

Productivity Style


Obstacle to Productivity

Multitasking and Switchtasking

Consequence: Three Effects of Switchtasking

Three Principles of Productivity

Productivity Principle 1. Space

Inventory: A Gathering Point

Approved Gathering Points 

Inbox: Organizing Physical Documents

Portable Inbox: The Mobile Extension of Your Physical

Notepad: Gathering Idea

Email Inbox: Using One Inbox

Voicemail: Delegate Responsibility for Checking Voicemail

Wildcard: Separate Email Box, Text Message and To-do list

Separate: The More Gathering Points You Have The More Switches You Make

Control: Physical Inbox, Portable Inbox and, Notepad

Productivity Principle 2. Mind

Mind: Hang Up New Picture

Trigger: Read Through Each Trigger

Schedule: Set Up A Time To Clear Mental

Clear: Cultivate The Habit Of Clearing Your Mind Immediately

Productivity Principle 3. Time

Calendar: Paper vs. Digital

Effectively: Getting the most out of your calendar

Others: Ask for requests via email

Yourself: The art of saying "no" to yourself

Equipping Yourself for Action

Action: Ensuring you're in your workspace

Gathering to the Inbox

Gather: Don't gather things that are where they belong

Desk: Everything has a home and no visitors allowed

Elsewhere: Are there any changes to be made

Understanding Processing

Processing: The act of deciding what the next step is

Step: What is the next step?

Done: If it can be completed in less than five minutes, do it immediately.

Home: Everything has a home and no visitors allowed

Simple: Filling documents

Digital: Six tips for digital organization

First: What, When and Where

Set: Bring gathering points to zero once a week

Processing Email

Apply: What, when and where

Archive: Filing Email

Rules: Setting up email filters

Walkthrough: Setting up email filters

Check: Bring your email inbox to zero

Your Time Budgeter

Understand: You time and Work time

Establish: Most valuable activity

Identify: Activities


Time Budgeting



Getting Organized

Getting Organized

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