Thursday, October 21, 2021

How to write in SMART Goal Format

Below is an example of how you would write in a SMART Goal format. This is extremely important for you to understand while working in your MyPACE. You can use the example below and modify it to your own career goal. 

S (Specific) - I want to become an IT professional working on the network infrastructure

M (Measurable) - I will achieve this by first getting my high school diploma within 6 months and moving on to getting into my business administration trade and complete the trade within 8 months. After I have completed my trade, I am planning to go to GRCC so I will find out how to fill out the GRCC college admission application and get in to GRCC to complete my associate degree within 2 years.

A (Achievable) - I believe this is attainable because I am passionate about technology and I have more than 5 years of experience in the technology industry. I can build computer, troubleshoot, build  a network and create website so I believe that this is career path is achievable for me.

R (Relevant) - This goal is realistic for me because I have done some research on several different career path, and I found that technology is my number one choice. On top of that I also have experience in it as well, which makes it perfect for me to go into this field.

T (Time) - The time it would take for me to complete everything including my associate degree, would be in 3 years time.


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