Monday, October 25, 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
Time Management Fundamentals
Laying The Productivity Groundwork
Obstacle to Productivity
Multitasking and Switchtasking
Consequence: Three Effects of Switchtasking
Three Principles of Productivity
Productivity Principle 1. Space
Inbox: Organizing Physical Documents
Portable Inbox: The Mobile Extension of Your Physical
Voicemail: Delegate Responsibility for Checking Voicemail
Wildcard: Separate Email Box, Text Message and To-do list
Separate: The More Gathering Points You Have The More Switches You Make
Control: Physical Inbox, Portable Inbox and, Notepad
Productivity Principle 2. Mind
Trigger: Read Through Each Trigger
Schedule: Set Up A Time To Clear Mental
Clear: Cultivate The Habit Of Clearing Your Mind Immediately
Productivity Principle 3. Time
Effectively: Getting the most out of your calendar
Others: Ask for requests via email
Yourself: The art of saying "no" to yourself
Equipping Yourself for Action
Action: Ensuring you're in your workspace
Gathering to the Inbox
Gather: Don't gather things that are where they belong
Desk: Everything has a home and no visitors allowed
Elsewhere: Are there any changes to be made
Understanding Processing
Processing: The act of deciding what the next step is
Done: If it can be completed in less than five minutes, do it immediately.
Home: Everything has a home and no visitors allowed
Digital: Six tips for digital organization
Set: Bring gathering points to zero once a week
Processing Email
Rules: Setting up email filters
Walkthrough: Setting up email filters
Check: Bring your email inbox to zero
Your Time Budgeter
Understand: You time and Work time
Establish: Most valuable activity
Getting Organized
Thursday, October 21, 2021
How to write in SMART Goal Format
Below is an example of how you would write in a SMART Goal format. This is extremely important for you to understand while working in your MyPACE. You can use the example below and modify it to your own career goal.
S (Specific) - I want to become an IT professional working on the network infrastructure
M (Measurable) - I will achieve this by first getting my high school diploma within 6 months and moving on to getting into my business administration trade and complete the trade within 8 months. After I have completed my trade, I am planning to go to GRCC so I will find out how to fill out the GRCC college admission application and get in to GRCC to complete my associate degree within 2 years.
A (Achievable) - I believe this is attainable because I am passionate about technology and I have more than 5 years of experience in the technology industry. I can build computer, troubleshoot, build a network and create website so I believe that this is career path is achievable for me.
R (Relevant) - This goal is realistic for me because I have done some research on several different career path, and I found that technology is my number one choice. On top of that I also have experience in it as well, which makes it perfect for me to go into this field.
T (Time) - The time it would take for me to complete everything including my associate degree, would be in 3 years time.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Stop Making Excuses
1. Tired? Sleep earlier!
2. Out of Shape? Exercise more!
3. Don't have time? Quit watching TV!
4. Don't have money? Stop wasting it!
5. Seems to complicated? Start small and try!
6. Don't have the knowledge? Learn and read a book!
We all know what we need to do, but most people still don't do it, because it's hard to go out of our comfort zone, and it's easier to just make excuses.
Ten Success Principles to Remember
1. You are the only person responsible for your success
2. You don't have to invent the wheel.
3. There is no progress without action.
4. Persistence always wins.
5. Focus is everything.
6. Failure is necessary.
7. Positivity fuels productivity.
8. You must believe you can.
9. Helping others is a big part of being successful.
10 Success is a journey of countless baby steps.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Friday, October 15, 2021
Program - Activity Writing Your Career Technical Training SMART Goal
Program - Activity Worksheet What Is the Best Career Technical Program for Your Career Pathway
Pathway - Activity What is The Best Path for My Mid-Term Career Pathway
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Pathway - Activity Informational Interview Part 2 Notes and Worksheet
Pathway - Bell Ringer Review of Earnings and Unemployment Rates by Educational Level
Leadership Fundamental
Understanding Leadership
When does one becomes a leader
Balancing between leadership and management
Level of leadership in an organization
Developing Your Leadership Skills
Map: Building Relationship, Self-Awareness, Business Acumen, Organizational Strategy and, Integrity
Knowing What is Happening in Your Industry
Resilience: The Ability to Recover Quickly
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Profession - Bell Ringer Ultimate Career Choice Reflection Worksheet
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Attendance Policy for CPP Class
Your attendance and participation is crucial to your success here at Job Corps. It is important that you attend class on time everyday to prevent accumulating unauthorized absences. Please see the chart below to get an understanding on how unauthorized absent (UA day) works.
Number of Hours Missed | Equivalent Number of UA Days |
Up to 5 hours of missed | 1 UA Days |
6-8 hours missed | 2 UA Days |
9-11 hours missed | 3 UA Days |
12-15 hours missed | 4 UA Days |
More than 15 hours missed | 5 UA Days |
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Helium Crypto Mining
A new way to mind crypto. By deploying a simple device in your home or office, you can provide your city with miles of low-power network coverage for billions of devices and earn a new cryptocurrency, HNT.
Anyone Can Mind HNT!
Mining HNT with Hotspots is done with a long-range radio technology, not expensive mining and wasteful GPUs.
Own a Piece of the Network
Hotspots work together to form a NEW global wireless network and under "Proof-of-Coverage".
Affiliates and Hosts
IHub is connected to a variety of manufactures to make miners available for our Affiliates and Host.