Monday, October 3, 2022

Space and Time

Does the relativity of motion represent the most defining feature of our Universe? Or is it only a facet, a partial interpretation of a reality that hides different rules and a totally new fundamental mechanism?

Wherever we would gaze into the vastness of space, a lot of cosmic bodies (stars, galaxies, planets) can be seen moving continuously, each one relative to all the others. We cannot pinpoint one of these bodies and say that we found a truly fixed point in space; therefore, it is easy to state that the relativity of motion must be a given of our universe. Consequently, the Theory of Relativity (special) should be able to decipher all the mysteries of motion and to formalize all the laws of physics related to this subject.

However, based on the current model of our universe's birth, the Theory of the Absolute[2]has identified an absolute "point" within this vast expanse of space and tries to harmonize the two interpretations of the cosmic symphony. It starts from the same simple premise, namely the speed of light is a universal constant. As it was previously stated in my Prime Theory series, the intergalactic space (the regions of space that are far away from any cosmic object) provides an ideal, uniform framework in which the movement of a body or a simpler granular structure can have any absolute speed -up to the maximum value c. This limitation also applies to fields and photons of any kind, being determined by the intrinsic characteristics of the spatial granular fluid.

But things are more complex than that, check out Chapter 11 of [3] -"A unique reality". The presence of a body with significant mass (planet, moon, star) produces an important perturbation (sub-quantum fluctuations) to all the gravitational fluxes in the neighborhood and changes the characteristics of space within a large radius around. Practically, this creates a new granularization (on a larger scale) of the spatial fluid from the big sphere circumscribed to the cosmic object, imprinting this whole region with a special feature of local absolute. If a certain cosmic area is populated by several cosmic bodies, there will be the same number of regions (separate or overlapping) with absolute features and each region will follow the trajectory of its source and will inherit its rotational movements.

Once we come very close to a cosmic object and a certain limit is passed, the absolute feature of its surrounding space becomes dominant and will determine all the movements inside this region. The photons, for example, will move at the speed limit c relative to this absolute framework. Consequently, a laboratory placed on the Earth's surface is lying inside its region of absolute space (for now, we will ignore the direct effects of gravitation and planetary rotation). It will rotate in sync with the planet -therefore, with the local absolute -and, for any experience made with light, it may be considered a perfect Absolute Frame of Reference (AFR). This also represents the minimal frame in which we can study the relative motion, considering that one or several Inertial Frames of Reference (IFR) are moving uniformly in regard to it.

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