Wednesday, December 22, 2021

English Grammar Master Course Page 2

Distributives Each - Every Beginner

Each - Every - Introduction

Each - Every - Guided Practice

Each - Every - Short Story

Each - Every - Independent Practice

Verb Conjugation - 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person Beginner

Verb Conjugation  1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person  Introduction

Verb Conjugation - 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person - Guided  Practice

Verb Conjugation - 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person - Short Story

Verb Conjugation - 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person - Independent Practice

Verbs Simple Tense and Subject-Verb Agreement Beginner

Pass Simple Tense - Introduction

Past Simple Tense - Guided Practice

Past Simple Tense - Short Story

Past Simple Tense - Independent Practice

Present Simple Tense - Introduction

Present Simple Tense - Guided Practice

Present Simple Tense - Short Story

Present Simple Tense - Independent Practice

Subject-Verb Agreement - Introduction

Subject-Verb Agreement - Guided Practice

Subject-Verb Agreement - Short Story

Subject-Verb Agreement - Independent Practice

Future Simple Tense - Introduction

Future Simple Tense - Guided Practice

Future Simple Tense - Short Story

Future Simple Tense - Independent Practice

The Gerund - ing Beginner

The Gerund -ing - Introduction

The Gerund - ing - Guided Practice

The Gerund - ing - Short Story

The Gerund - ing - Independent Practice

Helping Verbs (Auxillary Verbs) To Be Beginner

To Be - Introduction

To Be - Guided Practice

To Be - Short Story

To Be - Independent Practice

< 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 >


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