An investment in knowledge pays the best interest ~ Benjamin Franklin.

Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.

Do not give your past the power to define your future.

If you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your own thinking

Thursday, February 24, 2022

What is MyPACE

What is MyPACE:

MyPACE stands for My Pathway to Achieving Career Excellence. MyPACE is an online career planning system that emplowers Job Corps students to take ownership of their career pathway planning.

Students build their profiles in MyPACE, identifying  strengths, interests, and career goals. MyPACE helps student explore opportunities and develop comprehensive career plans including the following pathways:
  • Entry-level job
  • Apprenticeship
  • Job Corps' Advanced Training
  • College
  • Military
How it Works:

New Students use MyPACE during their first 60 days at Job Corps, known as Career Preparation Period. MyPACE helps students establish a plan to achieve their career dreams by setting concrete goals.

MyPACE Milestones
  • Build an interest profile
  • Explore high-demand career options and choose a profession
  • Choose a pathway
  • Select a Job Corps career training program that connects to long-term career goals
  • Put an individualized career plan into action

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Michigan Debt Relief

“Adulthood wasn't supposed to be easy. But when all my cards were maxed out and I had no other way to keep things afloat, I felt like I had let everyone down.”

This is happening to thousands of Michigan residents every month. Last month alone, we heard from over 6,500 people. Their stories are often heartbreaking. People are desperately fighting to do the right thing but feel trapped, like they have no good options.

The debt trap is real. Credit card minimums, high-interest loans, late fees and penalties are all keeping families buried in debt for years. No matter how hard you try, it can feel impossible to dig yourself out. That's why so many people are going deeper into debt, despite their best efforts.

People have a right to know about their options to get out of debt without filing bankruptcy. Michigan Debt Relief was created to help people find out about those options.

No matter how high your income is, or how much you owe, we have found that the number one thing people need is a program that lowers payments.

Michigan Debt Relief created a simple way to find out how low your payments can be. Just answer a few questions below and we'll walk you through your options.

Click the link below and find ways to get out of debts

Michigan Work West Central

Michigan Works! West Central works with employers and job seekers throughout Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Newaygo, Oceana and Osceola counties as part of the greater Michigan Works statewide system. Together, we are a united front aimed at boosting workforce development and empowering the state’s economic future.

We are just one of 16 agencies of Michigan Works throughout the state, and each agency works locally. Driven by community demand, we are proud to aid employers in locating and retaining the best employee for the job. Michigan Works! West Central ensures our local talent pool is matched with the right employer and that employers have their needs met.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Typing Training

Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak.

With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core keyboarding skills in web in just four hours - after that you're ready to use your new skill in everyday work. There's also over five hours of additional material covering speed building, numbers, symbols and more.

How to complete this assignment:

1. Click on the link above where it says "Typing Training"

2. Complete each lesson starting with lesson one.

3. After each lesson you completed, there will be a score card on your screen.

4. Take a screenshot of your scorecard by following this guide here

5. Save the scorecard to your Chromebook as you completed the lessons.

6. Submit all of the typing lessons to your instruction using this link.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

ACTIVITY Education as a Return on Investment

To complete this assignment follow the instruction below.

1. Go to Google.com and search for calculator OR click here

2. The first box already contain the numbers required for you to calculate and get the first answer so all you have to do is type the formula into the calculator exactly as it is displayed and click equal to get the answer.

3. If you look at the top where it says Formula you will see a formula for calculating the return on investment that looks like this:

Formula: ((45 years of work - Average years of training) * Median salary) - Total Educational Cost w. Interest = Lifetime Net Income

4. On the second box, the required number is already filled in for you, so all you need to do is put it into the calculator to get the answer.

5. On the third box, it is asking you to find the Average years of training, the Median salary, and the Total Education Cost with Interest for an Advanced Degree before you can calculate the Return on Investment. If you look at the box below the formula box, you will see there is a median salary for an Advanced Degree that is already given to you (59,280), all you have to do is put this number into the second blank.

For the first blank the average years of training for an advanced degree is 6 years so go ahead and put 6 on the first blank.

For the third blank, you will have to go to a search engine like Google and search for a master degree program that is related to your chosen field and find out what the cost is for a master degree program at a college or university of you choice and put that number into the third blank. Every master degree has a different price depending on what college or university offers the program. This number is different for everyone. 

Now input the formula in the third box into the calculator to find your third answer.

At the bottom of page one, just replace Answer 2-Answer 1 with the number you got above and use your calculator to find out the Return on Investment

Do the same for the box that says Answer 3 - Answer 1 to find the answer.

6. On page 2, all you have to do is input the answers you got on page 1 into the formula and use the calculator to find the answer.

Example: Lets say I got 2,000,000 for answer one. I would put in ((45)*2,000,000) and press Equal to find out the answer. Which in my case is about 9,000,000.

Use the example above to complete answer 2, 4, 6, and 8 on page 2. 

In the middle section (like the one that is displayed below). You will need to go into your MyPACE account, click on Occupation, and look up a career that requires the credential that is displayed, and write down the name and the median salary for each box.

Example: Lets say I found a construction job online in my MyPACE account that only require a high school diploma and the median salary is 30,000 dollars a year, I would put down the name of the job in the blank that says Title: and the number 30,000 in the Answer 1: blank.

7. To complete Answer 9, 10, and 11 at the bottom of the page, all you have to do, is input the number you got for in the middle section (step 6), and use the calculator to find the answer.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Job Interview Basics - Quiz