Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Reduce Your Depression in 8 Weeks With 7 Powerful Keys


1. How To Get The Most Out of This Program

2. Depression - A Getaway to Inner Peace

Key 1 Mastering & Healing The Mind

1. Introduction

2. Understanding The Mind From a Different Perspective

3. The Health of Your Mind Inquiry

4. How Your Mind Is Making You Suffer

5. The Five States of Mind

6. The Errors in Our Thinking & How They Can Lead To Depression

7. How We Can Heal The Mind To Feel at Peace

8. This Week's Yoga Practice Cleansing & Letting Go

9. This Week's Meditation Practice Mastering The Mind

Key 2  Rewiring The Brain to Create Positive Emotional Experiences

1. Introduction

2. How Thought Influences Our Emotions

3. How We Can Rewire & Change The Brain To Feel Happier

4. Learn How to Break The Feedback Loop Between The Mind & The Emotions

5. Embodied Awareness Practice

6. This Week's Meditation The Mind & The Emotions

7. This Week's Yoga Practice  Cleansing and Letting Go

Key 3 Healing The Fragmented Aspects of Self

1. Introduction

2. Where Does Depression Come From in  Exploring Separation in The Self

3. Becoming Whole How to Heal Your Wounds

4. Say Goodbye to the Inner Critic, that nasty voice in your head that criticizes

5. This Week's Meditation Integrating the Self

6. This Week's Yoga Practice Nurturing, Supporting & Healing The Self

Key 4 Releasing Emotional Pain

1. Introduction

2. How to Release Emotional Pain

3. The Importance of Relaxation in Reducing Depression & Anxiety

4. Meditation Deep Relaxation

5. This Week's Yoga Practice Nurturing, Supporting & Healing The Self

Key 5 The Breath The Key to Inner Peace

1. Introduction

2. Working With The Breath To Heal The Mind

3. Practice Diaphramatic Breathing  

4. Practice  Working With The Exhale To Come Back To The Relaxation Response

5. Practice Working With Sound To Lengthen The Exhalation

6. This Week's Meditation Practice Breath Awareness

7. This Week's Yoga Practice Connecting With The Heart

Key 6 Changing Up Your Emotions

1. Introduction

2. The Emotional Guidance Scale A Powerful Tool To Help You Change Your Emotions

3. Appreciation - Changing Your Vibration

4. This Week's Meditation Joy & Abundance

5. This Week's Yoga Practice Connecting With The Heart

Key 7 Eating and Exercising for Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

1. Introduction

2. Eat Your Way To Mental Well-being

3. Exercise - An Underused Tool In Treating Anxiety & Depression

Key 8 Implementing A Depression Action Plan To Help You Move Forward

1. Implementing A Depression Action Plan To Help You Move Forward


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